Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Absolute Measurement: Are measurements of fixed values.
Relative Measurement: A series that defines relationships in character spacing, that are linked to type size.
Points: The measurement for specifying typographical dimensions.
Picas: A measurement for specifying line lenghts.
x-height: The height of the lowercase 'x' of a given typeface.
The em: Unit of measurement derived from the width of the square body of the cast upper case.
The en:  Unit of measurement equal to half of one em.
Dashes (hyphen, en em): Short horizontal rule that serve various specific functions such as em rules, en rules and hyphens.
Alignments: Refers to the position of type within a text block, in both the vertical and horizontal planes.
Justification- Allows the appearance of rivers of white space to appear.
Flush Left- This alignment follows the principle of handwriting, with text tight and aligned to the left margin and ending ragged on the right.
Flush Right- Less common as it is more difficult to read. It is sometimes used for pictures captions and other accompanying tests as it is clearly distinct from body copy.
Letterspacing: The space between letters that can be increased.
Kerning: The removal of unwanted space between letters.
Tracking: The adjustable amount of space between letters.
Word Spacing: Adjusts the amount of space between words.
Widow: A lone word at the end of a paragraph.
Orphan: Is the final one or two lines of a paragraph separated form the main paragraph to form a new column, and should be avoided at all costs.
Leading: The space between lines of type measured from baseline to baseline.  It is expressed in points.
Indent: Some or all of the text lines are moved in from the margin by a specified amount.
First Line Indent: The text is indented from the left margin in the first line of the second and subsequent paragraphs.
Hanging Indent: The first line of the text is not indented, but the rest is.

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